Title: RYL 2 Online Auction Bidding Event


Here to inform all players that CiB going to host a Christmas Online Auction Bidding Event at 23rd December 2008 in-game.





1.      For players who interesting in this Auction for registers you must have atleast 50,000 Resource Points in your account.

2.      Email your Ryl account, contact, register IC and full name to .

3.      Once we verify your details and the 50,000 resource points in your account we will email the bidding event details back to you as verify success.

4.      For players who are interested please register before 22nd December 2008.

5.      Bidding place, server and channel details will only send to players who registered on 22nd December 2008 by mail.


Online Auction Bidding Rules:

1.      Online Auction will host at 23rd December 2008 19:00 -20:00 GMT+8.

2.      Players must follow the GM instruction during the auction.

3.      CiB deserved the right to change the rules anytime without notice.

4.      For players that do not have enough resource points for bidding, account will be ban.

5.      For players who trying to interrupting or spamming during the event will be ban.


Auction Bidding Event Format:

1.      Minimum 50,000 Resource points inside your account for joining the event, on 23rd December 2008 technical will final check all the participant account to confirm the 50,000 resource is ready.

2.      For players who successfully bid the items please prepare enough resource points within 23rd – 24th December 2008 because the prizes will be inserting on 25th December.

3.      Auction Items will be inserting on 25th December 2008.

4.      If technical found that someone tries to cheating or false to bid without enough resource points while inserting the prize (25th December) the account will be ban.

5.      When the times come we will start the auction and will not wait for players who come late.

6.      CiB deserved the right to change the rules anytime without notice.











Auction Items List


Blue Christmas Helmet
(Human or Akkan)


Def: 1500
Dodge rate: 500
Extra HP:12000
HP Recovery: 500
Magic Resist: 500


100 Con/Dex Glove/Arm


Increases Defense: 500


100 Con/Dex Boots/Pants


Increases Defense: 500


Special Stats
(Add on Boots that you wear)

Boots Movements Speed (Only on Boots or Pants)

Increase 48 Speed


Special Stats
(Add on Glove that you wear)

Glove Block Rate (Only on Glove or Arm)

Increase 500 Block


Necklace of Sentinal +125 (Max)

Necklace of Sentinal +125 (Max)

Increase 2500 Magic