Wow! Ryl Extreme Pack

SUPERB NEWS!!!, There will be an exclusive pack called “RYL Extreme Pack”. This pack is only available in MOL, and it is a LIMITED EDITION pack. It is a first come first serve basis, and once it is sold completely, there will not be any repeat of this pack. So HURRY, do not MISS out on this opportunity.

Product Name: RYL Extreme Pack
Price: RM300.00
Product details:
20,000 resource points
1 x Extreme Item
1 x Reload and Win


You will get either one of the random items below :

RYL 2 Item List

RYL 1 Item List

Necklace of Abomy + 60 (1200 defense)

+7 20 Con Boots/Pants (20 defense and 20 Extra defense)
+7 20 Dex Pants (20 defense and 20 magic resist)

Necklace of SK + 60 (1200 Hp recovery)

+7 20 Con/Dex Glove/Arm with (20 defense and 20 Extra defense)

Necklace of Titan + 60 (1200 Mp recovery)

+7 20 Con/Dex Glove/Arm with (20 defense and 20 Magic resist)

Necklace of Sentinal + 60 (1200 Magic)

Defense necklace + 7 Human/Akkan (+8 Defense +16 Extra Defense)

Necklace of Zeta + 60 (1200 Magic resistance)

+ 7 Ring of Caernarvon (+40 Magic resistance)

Reduce Stone

+5 Extra Damage Ring (+12 Extra Damage)

+163 defense 20 Con/Dex Boots/Pants + 5 Critical Necklace (+12 Critical rate)
40 x Din din Stone Reduce Stone

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